367 research outputs found

    Experimental comparison of control strategies for trajectory tracking for mobile robots

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    The purpose of this paper is to implement, test and compare the performance of different control strategies for tracking trajectory for mobile robots. The control strategies used are based on linear algebra, PID controller and on a sliding mode controller. Each control scheme is developed taking into consideration the model of the robot. The linear algebra approaches take into account the complete kinematic model of the robot; and the PID and the sliding mode controller use a reduced order model, which is obtained considering the mobile robot platform as a black-box. All the controllers are tested and compared, firstly by simulations and then, by using a Pioneer 3DX robot in field experiments.Fil: Capito, Linda. Escuela Politécnica Nacional; EcuadorFil: Proaño, Pablo. Escuela Politécnica Nacional; EcuadorFil: Camacho, Oscar. Escuela Politécnica Nacional; EcuadorFil: Rosales, Andrés. Escuela Politécnica Nacional; EcuadorFil: Scaglia, Gustavo Juan Eduardo. Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Facultad de Ingeniería. Instituto de Ingeniería Química; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Juan; Argentin

    Serie Análisis Regional, Volumen 5: Técnicas modernas de análisis regional (Reseña)

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    La Serie editorial Análisis Regional (AR) surge con el propósito de publicar estudios originales y rigurosos que, provenientes de distintos filiaciones teóricas y ámbitos académicos, puedan enriquecer el estado del arte de la economía espacial y las ciencias regionales; así mismo, se plantea publicar productos de investigación aplicada que contribuyan a la solución de la compleja problemática del desarrollo regional y urbano del país. A la fecha, la Serie AR cuenta con ocho volúmenes publicados, y cuatro más integran el Programa editorial de este año, con lo cual se completaran en 2015 nuestros primeros 12 libros. Durante el 20º Encuentro Nacional sobre Desarrollo Regional en México AMECIDER 2015 se presentarán el Volumen 5 (Técnicas Modernas de Análisis Regional) y Volumen 6 (Análisis espacial de las remesas, migración de retorno y crecimiento regional en México)

    Skyrmion-skyrmion interaction induced by itinerant electrons in a ferromagnetic strip

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    Magnetic skyrmions are promising spin textures for building next-generation magnetic memories and spintronic devices. Nevertheless, one of the major challenges in realizing skyrmion-based devices is the stabilization of ordered arrays of these spin textures in different geometries. Here we numerically study the skyrmion-skyrmion interaction potential that arises due to the dynamics of itinerant electrons coupled to the magnetic texture in a ferromagnetic background with racetrack geometry. We consider different topological textures (ferromagnetic (FM) and antiferromagnetic (AFM)), namely: skyrmions, antiskyrmions and biskyrmions. We show that at low electron filling, for sufficiently short separation, the skyrmions strongly couple each other yielding a bound-state bound by electronic dynamics. However, when the filling is increased, the interaction potential energy presents local minima at specific values of the skyrmion-skyrmion distance. Each of these local minima corresponds to energetically stable positions of skyrmions which are ‘protected’ by well-defined energy barriers. By inspecting the local charge density, we find that in the case of AFM skyrmions, the local antiferromagnetic nature prevents electronic penetration into the core, allowing the AFM skyrmions to be seen as infinite potential barriers for electrons.Fil: Iroulart, Esteban Andrés. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Física de Líquidos y Sistemas Biológicos. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Instituto de Física de Líquidos y Sistemas Biológicos; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Departamento de Física; ArgentinaFil: Rosales, Héctor Diego. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ingeniería. Departamento de Ciencias Básicas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Física de Líquidos y Sistemas Biológicos. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Instituto de Física de Líquidos y Sistemas Biológicos; Argentin

    Análisis económico de la bio-carbonización" como práctica de manejo agrícola"

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    Las altas concentraciones de gases de efecto invernadero, específicamente CO2, han sido señaladas como la principal causa del cambio climático. La adopción de prácticas agrícolas capaces de incrementar el contenido de carbono en el suelo, ha sido propuesta como una estrategia de bajo costo y disponibilidad inmediata para enfrentar este fenómeno. La Bio-carbonización es una de estas prácticas agrícolas, la cual implica la aplicación de carbón vegetal al suelo, de modo que el carbono queda capturado en una forma altamente recalcitrante al tiempo que se mejora la calidad del suelo. Este artículo es el primero en evaluar la viabilidad financiera y considerar algunos de los efectos económicos de la práctica, estimados para una finca tipo en la altillanura colombiana. Los resultados permiten determinar la viabilidad financiera de la Bio-carbonización, el valor presente neto del incremento en los beneficios es US$ 534,139, lo cual representa un incremento del 39.2% con relación a la línea base. Igualmente, los beneficios económicos asociados con la Bio-carbonización, hacen de esta una práctica adecuada para la captura de carbono.agricultura sostenible, altillanura colombiana, análisis costobeneficio, programación lineal, secuestro de carbono, servicios ambientales.

    Assisted Muscular Rehabilitation

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    In the market, there are very sophisticatedbiofeedback tools, such as those developed by meyerPT [1] orBiometric Ltd. [2], which provide information to the patientthrough tones and allows the generation of records and show datain real time. However, the cost of these tools makes difficult theaccess to them. This problem is what make the patients apply tothe expertise of a specialist and a qualitative valuation. For thisreason, this project focused on developing a friendly userbiofeedback interface created in MATLAB, which brings valuableinformation about muscular signals generated by the human bodyto avoid the subjectivity that may exist in the traditional method,reaching better results in less time thanks to the continuemonitoring and data recorders. The interface shows visualindicators, which are used to feedback the patient, in order topresent the execution of the muscular exercises at a certain forceintensity, analyses the muscular fatigue during the training andcreate a data record to identify the evolution of the muscleaccording to the developing of the therapy sessions

    Domino Effect in Allosteric Signaling of Peptide Binding

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    While being a thoroughly studied model of dynamic allostery in a small protein, the pathway of signal transduction in the PDZ3 domain has not been fully determined. Here, we investigate peptide binding to the PDZ3 domain by conventional and fully data-driven analyses of molecular dynamics simulations. First, we identify isoleucine 37 as a key residue by widely used computational procedures such as cross-correlation and community network analysis. Simulations of the Ile37Ala mutant show disruption of the coordinated movements of spatially close regular elements of secondary structure. Then, we employ a recently developed unsupervised, data-driven procedure to determine an optimized reaction coordinate (slowest-relaxation eigenvector) of peptide binding. We use this reaction coordinate to improve sampling by restarting additional simulations from the transition state region. Significant differences in the distributions of some of the pairwise residue distances in the bound and unbound states emerge from the projection onto the optimized reaction coordinate. The unsupervised analysis shows that allosteric signaling is transduced from the β2 strand, which forms part of the peptide binding site, to the spatially adjacent β3 and β4 strands, and from there to the α3 helix. The domino-like transmission of a (peptide binding) signal along β strands and α helices that are close in three-dimensional space is likely to be a general mechanism of allostery in single-domain proteins

    An Exploration of Regional Labor Productivity Patterns of Manufacturing SMEs in Mexico

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    The goal of this paper is to characterize the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Mexico by analyzing regional and industrial labor productivity growth differences in the manufacturing sector during the period 2004-2014. The results suggest that labor productivity differs according to the size of the establishment. While microenterprises and small establishments exhibit a moderate increase, medium- and large-sized establishments experience the largest increase during such period. The empirical analysis indicates the existence of absolute and conditional convergence in productivity growth for the SMEs. Industry differences across locations seem to be an important factor although regional differences account for the greater variation in productivity growth

    Estrés Abiótico y Homeostasis Iónica

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    Master Universitario en Biología Agraria y Acuicultura.-- 75 horas, 3 Créditos ECTS.Peer reviewe

    Sistema de Telemedicina para el Monitoreo de la Frecuencia Cardiaca Empleando Análisis de Componentes Independientes en Videos

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    Heart is the organ responsible for providing blood, oxygen and nutrients through the human body, their initial monitoring was reflected in heart rate value, this measurement is a possible irregularity within the organism. Control of this vital sign in most cases involves help of medical staff or using sensors that need to maintain contact with the skin, these common monitoring methods generate discomfort and nonconformity in newborns, senior adults or patients suffering from skin sensitivity. According these disadvantages, project offers a non-invasive and non-contact system based on telemedicine principles, which provides a quick, reliable and economical remote heart rate monitor. Results are compared with a pulse oximeter with a resolution of 1 bpm and accuracy of ±2%, obtaining low and acceptable errors. &nbsp